The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour: Day 8

Posted: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 by Unknown in


After a short hiatus (Gomensai) we’re back for day 8 of the Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour. This Matt Xell’s  leave is over now so he’s back at the maddening 9hr day-job, we’ve sent Dani Mexen on his way back to college, the Video Chapter Commentaries are in pre-production and so The Red Plus ( who has a bit more free time than anyone else in the XLA) we’ll be almost single-handedly taking over management  of the tour for the time being.

So here’s what we’ve got for you today:

2. Today’s Post: A Brief Introduction to Everlon: Part 9

And here’s where we’ve been so far:

1. Review: Books From a Shelf -

2. Guest post and Giveaway: Fragments of Life

3. Review: The Bucket List -

4. Review and Giveaway: Book Briefs -

5. Review: Rhiannon Paille -

6.  Review: Sift Reviews -

7.  Review: CubicleBlindness

8. Interview: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

9. Guest post: Coma Calm's Corner -

12.  MXL Guest Post: Baffling, Bonkers, and Brilliant -

14. Review and Giveaway: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

16.  Review and Giveaway: Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy -

Cheers and thanks then!

Yami Mato