The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour: Day 7

Posted: Sunday, July 31, 2011 by Unknown in

Hey people, thanks for coming back to my blog for the Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour, and it's day 7. We (the XLA) are almost done shooting the Video Chapter Commentaries (finally -- and are very relieved) and hopefully we'll be able to showcase those in about a week or two after we've edited them and added some SFX. In the mean time let's have a look at what we have for you today:

1. Review: Books From a Shelf -

2. Guest post and Giveaway: Fragments of Life -

And here's we've been so far:

1. Review: The Bucket List -

2. Review and Giveaway: Book Briefs -

3. Review: Rhiannon Paille -

4.  Review: Sift Reviews

5.  Review: CubicleBlindness

6. Interview: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

7. Guest post: Coma Calm's Corner

10.  MXL Guest Post: Baffling, Bonkers, and Brilliant -

12. Review and Giveaway: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

14.  Review and Giveaway: Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy -

And that's all for today folks,

cheers and thanks again!