The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour 2011
Posted: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 by Unknown inYes sir, because we don't have the time, money and patience to become traditionally published and do a proper traditional book tour, Matt Xell and The Red Plus are putting togther a Virtual Book Tour for Tower of Parlen Min coz the book sales were kinda stale for a while there. What is a Virtual Book Tour, you ask? Well basically it's this really cool and trendy 21st Century Internet thing where Matt Xell and his book, Tower of Parlen Min, visit some really cool book websites ( called Book Blogs) and are reviewed, interviewed, do some guest posts, chat with readers, do some trivia, and give away copies of the book for some lucky few.
Also, me and my good friend, Dani Mexen, we'll be doing Video comentaries for all the chapters of TPM which'll be posted on youtube, Viddler, Vimeo and such through out the tour.
And because Matt Xell and The Red Plus aren't normal like every other writer/artist duo out there, we're taking things to the exetreme as always. Normal, yes that's right, normal virtual book tours last about a month, but our tour we'll run for about 3 months, that's from July 24th to October 31st; one mini tour a month to coincide with each of the three volumes of TPM on Amazon. LOL, I know right? You're like -- Zambians, right?. But its gonna be totally awesome. We're still working on the calender but here's what we got for you for the month of July/August:
24th – ComaCalm (Review)
24th - A Book Vaction (Review)
24th - Fragments of Life (Review, Interview, Giveaway)
25th - Everything to do with books (Review)
25th - Baffling, Bonkers, and Brilliant Books (Review,Interview,Guest post)
26th - Burning.x.Impossibly.x.Bri
27th - Butterfly Feet Walking on Books (Review, Interview,Giveaway)
28th - CubicleBlindness (Review)
30th - Bucket List (Review,Interview)
31st - Books From a Shelf (Review,Guest post,Giveaway)
1st - Readings of Benji (Review)
2nd - BookedInChico (Review)
3rd - Gardening Literature (Review, Guest post and Interview)
5th - Cup of Tea Reviews (Review, Interview)
6th - Dana Does Read (Review,Interview)
7th - Ink Scratchers (Review,Guest-post)
9th - Le Vanity Victorienne (Review, Guest posts, Giveaway and Interview)
11th - GreenLillipads (Reviewer, Interview, Guest post)
12th - BookSaur (Review, Interview,Guest-post)
13th - Amy Jones Young Adult Fantasy Fiction (Review)
14th - Novels on the Run (Review, Guest post, Interview, Giveaway)
15th - Hoplessly Devoted Bibliophile (Review, Guest post,Interview,Giveaway)
16th - Entre Libros (Review,Guest post, Giveaway)
17th - Magical Books (Review)
18th - The Young Adult Book Enthusiast (Review, Guest post, Interview)
20th - Steph: Short & Sweet (Review,Interview,Giveaway
21st - Mon Palais (Review, Guest post, Giveaway)
22nd - Confessions of a Readaholic (Review,Interview or Guest post)
24th - Ryning Books (Review)
25th - Reutreads (Review)
26th - Scholar Berry (Review,Interview,Giveaway
27th - YA Bound (Review, live chat)
28th - Raindrop Reflections (Review)
29th - Read Now Sleep Later (Review)
30th - My Precious (Review)
31st - Book Lover’s Hideaway (Review)
So look out for the event thing on facebook and Goodreads and invite as many peeps as you can, kupo. I personally won't be giving away any copies of TPM, but I've sent Smashwords coupons (which allow you to download the book for free) to the Book Bloggers (coz, I wanna support them too, they've really helped with this) and they'll each be giving away the coupons to five lucky winners following the tour.
The TPM facebook page we'll sorta be the launch center for the whole thing (and my blog too ... and my good reads profile too) so I'll be posting links to everything there. And ofcourse we hope that y'all will support us and buy copies of the book and stuff, or atleast tell a friend or two ... or ten ... maybe hundred, a thousand ... no?
Cheers and thanks for readin!
Later, then ...