The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour: Day 24

Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 by Unknown in

Hey everyone, thanks for joining me for day 24 of the tour. I'm in the middle of putting together a soundtrack for the chapter commentary videos ... and I thought that would be the easy part. But let me not get in your way with my rants. Here's where we are at today;

1. Book Review: Reut Reads -

2. Book Review: The Book Worm is Here! -

Here's where we've been so far:

1. Book Review and Giveaway: House Millar -

2.Review: Raindrop Reflections - 

3.Review: Ryning Books - 

4.Giveaway: Ryning Books -

5.Review: YA Bound -

6.Review and Giveaway: Confessions of A Readaholic -

8.Review: Steph: Short & Sweet -

9.Giveaway: The Non Reluctant Reader -

10.Review: The Kings and Queens of YA - 

11.Review: Magical Books -

12.Review: Bookedinchico -

13.Review and Giveaway: Entre Libros -

14.Review: Novels On The Run -

15.Review and Giveaway: Amy Jones YA Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy  -

16.Review: Readings of Benji -

17.Review and Giveaway: Better Read Than Dead

18.Review, Giveaway and Interview: Dana does Read -

19.Review: Ink Scratchers -

20.Review and Giveaway: BookSaur's Reviews -

21.Review: Cup of Tea Reviews -

22.Interview and Giveaway: Cup of Tea Reviews

23.Review: Gardening Literature -

24.Review: Books From a Shelf -

25.Guest post and Giveaway: Fragments of Life -

26.Review: The Bucket List -

27.Review and Giveaway: Book Briefs -

28.Review: Rhiannon Paille -

29.Review: Sift Reviews -

30.Review: CubicleBlindness -

31.Interview: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

32.Guest post: Coma Calm's Corner -

33.Review: Burning.X.Impossibly.X.Bright -

34.Giveaway: Burning.X.Impossibly.X.Bright -

35.MXL Guest Post: Baffling, Bonkers, and Brilliant -

36.Review and Giveaway: Fragments of Life -

37.Review and Giveaway: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

38.Review and Giveaway: Everything to do with books -

39.Review and Giveaway: Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy -

40.Review and Giveaway: Coma Calms Corner -

Cheers and thanks again!
