The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour: Day 23

Posted: Monday, September 19, 2011 by Unknown in

Yo'oh! The Tower of Parlen Min Virtual Book Tour resumes today and I'm happy to say that I've I managed to put together a lot more content than in the first half. That's right, those devilish chapter commentary vids will be putting in an appearance some time in October coz video editing is such a nightmare, including long and detailed posts on the making of chapters 1 to 16. I've got a few more unique guest posts and some interviews lined up, I'll also be posting the first few parts of my light-novel Ves and the Good Doctor on some days and they'll be loads more copies of TPM to giveaway at the Book Blogs and Book Review sites participating in the tour. As always your support in getting the word out on this project will be much appreciated, kupo!

So here's where we're at today:

1. Book Review and Giveaway: House Millar -

And here's where we've been so far:

1.Review: Raindrop Reflections - 

2.Review: Ryning Books - 

3.Giveaway: Ryning Books -

4.Review: YA Bound -

5.Review and Giveaway: Confessions of A Readaholic -

7.Review: Steph: Short & Sweet -

8.Giveaway: The Non Reluctant Reader -

9.Review: The Kings and Queens of YA - 

10.Review: Magical Books -

11.Review: Bookedinchico -

12.Review and Giveaway: Entre Libros -

13.Review: Novels On The Run -

14.Review and Giveaway: Amy Jones YA Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy  -

15.Review: Readings of Benji -

16.Review and Giveaway: Better Read Than Dead

17.Review, Giveaway and Interview: Dana does Read -

18.Review: Ink Scratchers -

19.Review and Giveaway: BookSaur's Reviews -

20.Review: Cup of Tea Reviews -

21.Interview and Giveaway: Cup of Tea Reviews

22.Review: Gardening Literature -

23.Review: Books From a Shelf -

24.Guest post and Giveaway: Fragments of Life -

25.Review: The Bucket List -

26.Review and Giveaway: Book Briefs -

27.Review: Rhiannon Paille -

28.Review: Sift Reviews -

29.Review: CubicleBlindness -

30.Interview: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

31.Guest post: Coma Calm's Corner -

32.Review: Burning.X.Impossibly.X.Bright -

33.Giveaway: Burning.X.Impossibly.X.Bright -

34.MXL Guest Post: Baffling, Bonkers, and Brilliant -

35.Review and Giveaway: Fragments of Life -

36.Review and Giveaway: Baffling, Bonkers and Brilliant -

37.Review and Giveaway: Everything to do with books -

38.Review and Giveaway: Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy -

39.Review and Giveaway: Coma Calms Corner -

Cheers and thanks again!
