Everlon: A Brief Introduction Part 3
Posted: Thursday, July 21, 2011 by Unknown inIn today's post I'd like to talk about Everlon's version of Jesus. I know, I know ... the religious elements aren't really your thing or concern because you don't believe in any of that stuff, or you're not comfortable hearing about Jesus because you don't want to see him in any light or perspective other than the one presented in our bible (especially if it boarders on blasphemy), or that you already know Jesus (eish!) or you just don't care because you don't see how any of this matters to the overall story in Tower of Parlen Min. But please understand that I'm trying to tell a coherent story and all matters on The Narrow Escapes of Ves Asirin's elements, themes, settings must be covered if any of it is to make sense. So please bear with me, I promise this we'll be worth your time. So here we go ...
About Jesu Christe:
There were many great men in the bible’s time, many of them sons of Abraham or Kero’ei, amongst these were Moses, King Da’vid and Daniel. They were great warriors endowed, like the angels, with the ability to control comic energy or Kero'ku. The Kero’ei were tasked with the leadership, guidance and protection of God’s people from those who would seek to corrupt or destroy them.
But the greatest and most influential man in the Orem church’s Bible was Jesu Christe. Jesu is the central figure of Christenity; the Orem Church’s Religion, which views him as the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament, with most Christen denominations believing him to be the Son of God.
Jesu was a great man by many standards. The three synoptic Gospels of the New Testament; Luca, Matheo and Mark described Jesu as a heroic, charismatic man of action, of mighty and miraculous deeds. He was portrayed especially as the fulfillment of Hebrew prophecies and as a greater Moses.
Jesu said of his purpose, “I came that many may have life, and have it abundantly” and so that those who believed in him “would have eternal life”. However, many of the religious groups then, such as the three Jewish schools; the Pharisees, the Sadduces and the Essenes did not believe Jesu was the chosen Messiah because he was not a Kero’ei or even High-Spirited. Furthermore, they feared him for the growing influence of his ministry. Only a year after the foundation of his ministry, temple guards on the orders of the Pharisee High Priest and a Persian Empire general arrested Jesu. Jesu, who was wrongfully found guilty on charges of sedition against the Pharisees and the greater Persian Empire, was crucified.
In what is considered one the greatest miraculous feats in the bible, Jesu rose from the dead and returned to his followers. Jesu stayed with his followers for some time and commissioned them to travel the world over and announce the gospel, baptize, and work miracles. He told his followers to enlist followers and teach what Jesu had taught. Then Jesu ascended to Javenol (pronounced Ha - ve - nol), the realm of Elohim and his highest ranking angels; the seraph'ei, promising to return to Everlon when all of mankind would need him most.
The rule of the Regent Angels was lifted shortly after Jesu’s departure and man was free once again to control his destiny.